The family doesn’t know who took the child, however, and this is the first blow of many for the clan. It’s an odd thing, because Thomasin clearly loves her brother and is playing with him, but every time she uncovered her eyes and yelled “boo” I recoiled a bit.

We see a figure running off with the child in the woods, but the more startling image may be that very game of peek-a-boo, where Eggers puts us in the place of the baby momentarily as Taylor-Joy’s face hangs over us. While playing peek-a-boo in the field with her infant brother, the child suddenly disappears. Newcomer Anya Taylor-Joy stars as Thomasin, the eldest daughter who is caught between the needs of her family, her status as a girl on the verge of womanhood, and the extremely unwise and precarious situation her father has put them all in. They eventually find a plot of land on the edge of a forest, but as Eggers’ camera trains ominously on a single tree at the tip of the woods, it’s abundantly clear that this is not prime real estate at all. As such, William and his wife and children are expelled from the colony, and head out alone into the unknown with all of their worldly possessions strapped to an unwieldy wagon. Play The father of the family is William (Ralph Ineson of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and The Office), a devout man of faith whose belief system is apparently too extreme even for his fellow Puritan colonists.