
Whatsapp logo vector png
Whatsapp logo vector png

“One of our family friends was fleeced of Rs 25000 by cyber fraud. If an unsuspecting victim were to be lured into the scam, the malicious actors could potentially defraud them of money or their sensitive personal information. While Sengupta and Khatchaturian identified the scam for what it was, it is possible that others have fallen for it. (Image credit: Anthony Khatchaturian/Screenshot) The scam message was received on WhatsApp by Anthony Khatchaturian. Because your previous (sic) month bill was not updated please immediately contact (sic) with our electricity officer thank you,” said a WhatsApp image sent to Khatchaturian. Tonight at 8.30 PM from(sic) electricity office. Dear Consumer Your Electricity Power will be disconnected. Imagine the confidence they have to publicly scam so many people with a number linked to an Aadhaar card,” added Khatchaturian.

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“My question is if I was not knowledgeable or tech savvy, or maybe I got scared and fell for the scam, who would I call? Do I call the distribution company, or do I call the police? Also, in India, you cannot get a number without an Aadhaar card. ALSO READ | Why robots could play a bigger role in distant space stations of the future

Whatsapp logo vector png